Health tips By Abi

Symptoms of high blood sugar

Blood sugar is needed to reach all the cells that need the energy it provides. The problem arises when blood sugar levels are high, also known as hyperglycemia. These cases are seen in people who have diabetes that is not well controlled. Blood sugar symptoms can be mild or severe. High blood sugar levels usually occur almost always in people who have diabetes. It occurs when the body produces too little insulin or does not respond to the signal that insulin is sending. It is worth remembering that insulin is a hormone that helps the body move glucose (sugar) from the blood to muscle or fat, where it is stored to be used when energy is needed. People who do not have diabetes can also have hyperglycemia, caused by disorders that can affect insulin or glucose levels in the blood, such as problems with the pancreas or adrenal glands, certain medications, and serious illnesses. What can cause high blood sugar Excess food, especially if carbohydrates are eaten. Sedentary lifestyle and not doing any kind of physical activity. Side effects of other medications. Stressful situations. Menstrual period: causing strong alterations in hormonal levels. Dehydration. Sugar-free products as they contain many carbohydrates, starch and fat. Fever, due to fluid loss. Abusing energy drinks. Eating too much dehydrated fruit. Obesity. Mild symptoms of high blood sugar Ideal fasting glucose levels should be between 70 and 100 mg/dl. While two hours after eating they should be less than 140 mg/dl. If you have slightly high blood sugar, you may have mild symptoms such as: Feeling thirsty. Feeling tired or weak. Headaches. Frequent urination. Blurred vision. Serious symptoms of high blood sugar If hyperglycemia is not treated, it can cause other problems. In people with diabetes, long-term hyperglycemia can cause serious health problems. If blood glucose levels are too high, you can develop diabetic ketoacidosis. Trouble breathing. Nausea or vomiting. Abdominal pain. Confusion. Feeling very tired or sleepy